
How does it work?

Oxygen Treatment is the administration of 100% oxygen, at a pressure level, higher than atmospheric pressure. The treatment is performed by trained personnel and follows a predetermined protocol which includes continuous monitoring of the patient. Our centre houses two multi seater Oxygen Chambers, which are capable of treating a wide range of conditions.

The Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Session

Patients are seated in the chamber wearing the oxygen mask and connected to the oxygen supply. They are now breathing 100% oxygen at normal atmospheric pressure level. The chamber is then sealed and the pressurisation process starts, lasting about 8-11 minutes in order to bring the chamber to the required treatment pressure, using compressed air.

Once the required pressure is reached, the occupants of the chamber continue to breathe the 100% oxygen for the duration of the treatment session, 60 minutes. After this time chamber goes through a depressurisation process (lasting 8 to 11 minutes) to bring the pressure back to atmospheric level. The door of the chamber is opened and the treatment procedure is complete.

Treatment session times are as follows:

Session Duration

Each session lasts for a period of one hour and fifteen minutes approx. You can bring reading material to help pass the time.  Spectacles can be worn with the mask.

If it is your first appointment, please ensure that you arrive 20 minutes before the start of the session, for an induction and please bring your completed application form with you. For subsequent sessions please ensure you arrive at least 15 minutes before your session is due to start.

For safety reasons the following items are NOT ALLOWED into the chamber during the treatment session. This is not an exhaustive list but merely a general indication to our clients on what items must be left outside of the chamber. The operator will advise you on the day if required.

Electronic equipment and possible spark producers e.g., mobile phones, watches, car keys with batteries, hearing aids, music emitters etc…

Naked flame producers e.g., lighters, matches etc…
Combustible/volatile products e.g., chemical products that ignite easily inc. aerosols, nail varnish removers etc…

Food and drinks

We don’t wish to check your personal bags or handbags so better to leave them outside of the chamber also.

If in doubt about an item then please ask the operator.

If you develop a headcoldsinus or ear infection coming up to your treatment session, please call us to cancel your appointment. These ailments render the treatment session unsuitable due to the elevated pressure levels in the chamber.



Bandon Town Hall

81 North Main Street

Bandon, Co. Cork

P72 E448


Monday: 12.30, 14.00, 18.45

Tuesday: 09.00, 10.45, 12.30, 14.00

Wednesday: 09.00, 10.45, 12.30, 19.00

Thursday: 09.00, 10.45, 12.30, 14.00

Friday: 09.00, 10.45, 12.30, 14.00

Saturday: 09.00


Public Holidays CLOSED

Bandon Hyperbaric Oxygen Centre | Registered Charity No 12765