If you have a query other than those mentioned below please Contact B.H.O.C. by Phone or Email.

Tel: 023 884 3677


Q: How can I apply for treatment?

A: You need to complete our application form (this can be downloaded from our Applications page, alternatively, please ring us and we shall post you a form). Once that is done, you can give us a call to make a booking.

Q: Where in Bandon is BHOC situated?

A: BHOC is located at the rear entrance to Bandon Town Hall – overlooking Bandon River. (Close to the Courthouse). See video.

Q: How long does a session take?

A: A session takes approx 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Q: How many sessions will I need to get the benefit of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

A: When you ring us to make an appointment, we will carry out an assessment with a Consultant in Hyperbaric Medicine to advise the most beneficial procedure tailor made for you.

Q: How much does treatment cost?

A: The cost on the first day is €65 which includes; €25 for the session and €40 for a mask and connection hoses. This equipment is then yours to take away with you and bring with you on all subsequent sessions. All further sessions will cost €25 per session. Cash or credit card is acceptable. Cashless payment is preferrable.

Q: When is the chamber open ?

A: Our session times are as follows:

Monday 12.30, 14.00, 18.45
Tuesday 9.00, 10.45, 12.30, 14.00
Wednesday 9.00, 10.45, 12.30, 19.00
Thursday 9.00, 10.45, 12.30, 14.00
Friday 9.00, 10.45, 12.30 14.00
Saturday 9.00

Q: What does one wear in the chamber?

A: Normal / ordinary attire. Be aware that you are sharing a small space with other people, so personal hygiene and good etiquette is most important.

Q: Can people with a head cold use the chamber?

A: NO, as treatment can be uncomfortable to the ears.

Q: What is a typical treatment for chronic ailments like M.S. or Parkinson’s?

A: Typical, 20 sessions followed by a weekly top up session.

Q: Can a patient have more than one session a day?

A: YES, but it is recommended to have two-hour rest period between sessions.

Q: How does one occupy their time in the chamber?

A: Reading material can be brought into the chamber; however, you cannot bring anything with batteries in (e.g. iPads, iPods, MP3 players, mobile phones, etc.).

Q: Can I bring in my hearing aid?

A: Unfortunately, due to the nature of the raised pressure and oxygen levels in the chamber, you cannot bring in your hearing aid, this must be removed.

Q: Will I be alone in the chamber for the treatment session?

A. No. We have two multi-seater chambers so you will probably be sharing a space with three or four other people.



Bandon Town Hall

81 North Main Street

Bandon, Co. Cork

P72 E448


Monday: 12.30, 14.00, 18.45

Tuesday: 09.00, 10.45, 12.30, 14.00

Wednesday: 09.00, 10.45, 12.30, 19.00

Thursday: 09.00, 10.45, 12.30, 14.00

Friday: 09.00, 10.45, 12.30, 14.00

Saturday: 09.00


Public Holidays CLOSED

Bandon Hyperbaric Oxygen Centre | Registered Charity No 12765